Thursday, October 15, 2009

Joan Baez on American Masters

Here's the link to hear the sweetest sounds. Many of the ads leading up to the performance on PBS (October 14th) misstated the time as 9 pm, so for those of you who missed the first half-hour, or just want to listen again, and again, and again... Isn't it sweet, the way BD refers to JB as "Joanie"?

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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Lulav and the Four Directions

When a bearded (youngish) man and companion approach you with a lulav and a lovely piece of fruit, turn towards him, recite the prayer after him, and you, too will begin to celebrate. It is Sukkah. There's a reason for that. The man in question, a rabbinical student or a rabbi, begins,asking, "Is anyone Jewish here?" I say, "Why, yes." That is called exchanging information. He will smile exhuberantly if you recognize any part of the prayer. Bo-ruch [Hashem]... You will also be asked to point the lulav in four directions. This is Judaic information literacy, being able to recognize the cues -- a long stalk of a harvested grain and a citrus-like fruit (if it was a lemon, it was very large, almost bursting with juice). L'Shana Tovah!!!